The Cottage Pros LLC

Have a plumbing-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • How do I unclog a drain?

    For minor clogs, we recommend trying a plunger or baking soda and vinegar solution. For tougher clogs, you may need a drain snake. For persistent problems, contact a plumber.

  • How can I prevent frozen pipes?

    You should insulate exposed pipes, especially near exterior walls and crawl spaces. Also seal air leaks around the pipes. Disconnect garden hoses and drain outdoor faucets before winter.

  • I don’t have enough hot water. How long should a water heater last?

    Hot water tanks run 24/7 so buy a quality water heater. High-quality tanks provide over

    an hour of hot water and cost about fifty cents a day. If you drain it once a year, it could last a

    long time.

  • Why is my water pressure low?

    You need to check for clogged aerators on faucets. If the issue persists, it may be a problem with the main water line or municipal supply. Contact a plumber.

  • What should I do about a leaky faucet?

    Tighten the packing nut, which is the part around the base of the handle. If that doesn’t fix the leak, replace the washer or cartridge inside the faucet. For complex leaks, contact a plumber.

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